Back Office > Products > Specials/Promotions
This menu item is used to create and maintain Specials/Promotions. Specials/Promotions can be created by adding Products individually using the Add Row button, or using the Wizard to add a large number of Products.
To Be Considered
- Note : If the same Product is in multiple Specials/Promotions and these overlap (with respect to their Start/End Dates). Then the sell price for the Product will be retrieved from the Special/Promotion with the most recent Start Date.
- Note : Products added that are Active, but Inactive in all Locations, will be added to a Promotion. However, these same Products will NOT be visible when the same Special/Promotion is subsequently opened/retrieved. They will only be visible when they are made Active in at least one Location.
- It is recommended that the Send Full Update to Terminals option is selected in the End of Day Options screen.
- When a Full Update is sent to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals, SwiftPOS Back Office sends the next X days of Specials/Promotions to the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Where X is the no of days setting that can be set here.
- Note : The SwiftPOS Services Monitor is required to be running for Specials/Promotions to trigger.
This screen is accessed from here and is used to view/search the list Specials/Promotions currently available. Note : For Advanced Host Integration registered sites, the Specials/Promotions screen displayed will be different, an example of which can be viewed here.
Search Filters
- The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
- Date Range From/To - The filter fields of this type are: Start/End Dates.
- Full/Partial Numbers - The filter fields of this type are: ID.
- Full/Partial Texts - The filter fields of this type are: Name and Product Code.
- Check Boxes - The filter fields of this type are: Start/End Dates, Enabled Only and Active Only.
- Drop Down Lists - The filter fields of this type are: Group.
- Search Screens - The filter fields of this type are: Locations.
- The grid displays the: ID, Name, Group, Start/End Dates, Locations and Notes.
- New - Select to add a new Special/Promotion.
- Edit - Select/Double click on a Special/Promotion listed in the grid to open the Promotion Edit screen.
- Delete - Delete the selected Special/Promotion.
- Save - Select to save changes.
- Undo - Select to undo changes made.
- Import - Select from the drop down list to import a Specials/Promotions file from one of the following:
When importing Specials/Promotions Products can be matched as prompted by the following:
- Close - Select to exit.
Promotion Edit
- Name - Enter an appropriate name for the Special/Promotion.
- Group - Select to open the Search Promotions screen and select a Promotion Group.
- Enabled - Select to ensure the Special/Promotion is active.
Grid Header
- Notes - Enter a short description/explanation of the Special/Promotion.
- Start/End Date - Select the calendar icon to set the Start/End dates of the Special/Promotion. These dates are inclusive. Note : If the same Product is in multiple Specials/Promotions and these overlap. Then the sell price for the Product will be retrieved from the Special/Promotion with the most recent Start Date.
- Start/End Buy Period - Select the calendar icon to set the Start/End Buy Period dates. Generally defaults to 2 weeks prior to the Special/Promotion. This is used to facilitate the ordering of stock intended for the Special/Promotion. This is used for future reporting purposes so that you can print out a list of Special/Promotional Products with stock on hand to see what needs reordering before the Special/Promotional buy period ends. It is also used to export Specials/Promotions to Remote Sites.
- Locations/Select Locations - Select the Select Locations button to open the Locations screen to select those Locations at which this Special/Promotion is to be active. Note : Only the required Locations should be selected to ensure the size of the updates to each SwiftPOS Touch terminal is kept to a minimum.
- Price Level - Select from the drop down list the Price Level to which the Special/Promotional price is to be applied.
- Product Code - Displays the Product Code of the Product. When using the Add Row button place the cursor in this field and hit the Enter key to open the Search Products screen to select a Product.
- Description - Displays the Product Description of the Product.
- Source Price - Displays the current Price selected as the source on which the calculation of the Promo Price is based.
- Promo Price - Displays the price of the Product when the Special/Promotion commences. Note : The SwiftPOS Services Monitor is required to be running for Specials/Promotions to trigger.
- Promo Category - Determines the Category that the Product will be assigned to while Special/Promotion is on.
- Promo Family - Determines the Family that the Product will be assigned to while Special/Promotion is on.
- Points - Determines how many bonus points will be awarded to the customer for buying the Product while the Special/Promotion is running. The points multiplier in Categories and Member Classifications is ignored for the bonus points. It is a net points value added to the sale, in addition to the current points calculation. Product Specials/Promotions can also include bonus points. Bonus points can be awarded for purchasing a Product while it is currently on special. The amount of bonus points awarded is determined for each Product in the Product Specials/Promotions screen. Please note that the bonus points are in addition to any normal points, they do not replace the normal points system.
- Rebate Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following:
- Rebate Value - Displays/Enter the Rebate as $ Value or Percentage of the item sold depending on the Rebate Type selected. Rebates are sometimes provided by the Manufacturers to promote Products. The rebate applicable is entered here, while the Product is on offer during the Happy Hour. The value of the Rebate reduces the Cost of a Product, ensuring the GP is reported correctly. Rebates applied are reported on in the Extended Specials Sales Report and Specials Sales Reports.
- GP% - This is calculated using the Sell Price ? GST (34.99/11x10=31.81) ? Average Cost (Sum of Location Costs / Number of Locations [26.86/2 = 13.43]) / Sell Price ex GST = 57.77%
Grid Footer
- Add Row - Select to add a row and select a Product.
- Delete Row - Select to delete the selected row.
- Metcash Options - Select from one of the following options available:
- New - Select to add a new Special/Promotion.
- Open - Select to open the Search Promotions screen and select an existing Special/Promotion.
- Import - Select from the drop down list to import a Specials/Promotions file from one of the options outlined here.
- Copy - Select to copy the selected Special/Promotion.
- Save - Select to save changes.
- Undo - Select to undo changes made.
- Delete - Delete the selected Special/Promotion.
- Wizard - Select to invoke the Wizard to add a large numbers of Products to a Special/Promotion.
- Export - Select to export promotion file as a .txt
- Close - Select to exit.
Advanced Host Integration - Specials/Promotions
This screen is accessed from here and is used to view/search the list Specials/Promotions currently available.
Search Filters
- The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
- Date Range From/To - The filter fields of this type are: Start/End Dates.
- Full/Partial Numbers - The filter fields of this type are: ID.
- Full/Partial Texts - The filter fields of this type are: Name and Product Code.
- Check Boxes - The filter fields of this type are: Start/End Dates, Enabled Only and Active Only.
- Drop Down Lists - The filter fields of this type are: Group, Type and Placement.
- Search Screens - The filter fields of this type are: Locations.
- Reset Filters
- The grid displays the: ID, Name, Group, Start/End Dates, Type, Placement, Locations and Notes.
- New - Select to add a new Special/Promotion.
- Edit - Select/Double click on a Special/Promotion listed in the grid to open the Promotion Edit screen.
- Delete - Delete the selected Special/Promotion.
- Close - Select to exit.
Creation of Special/Promotion
The creation of a Special/Promotion can be achieved in either of 2 ways :
- Prior to creating a Special/Promotion, make sure that NO Price Changes will take effect during the Special/Promotion period (as defined by the date range set above).
- Select the New button.
- Enter a name for the Special/Promotion and ensure that the Promotion is enabled option is selected.
- Enter any Special/Promotion notes that may be needed to identify the Special/Promotion.
- Enter a Start Date and End Date for the Special/Promotion.
- Click the Add Row button and press Enter.
- Select a Product and double click it.
- Select the Special Category (if required) that the Product will be assigned to.
- Select the Price Level to apply the Special/Promotion price to.
- Enter a Promo Price for the Product.
- If applicable, enter any Bonus Points or Rebates that may apply.
- Select the Save button to complete the creation of a Special/Promotion. The Special/Promotion prices will be applied to each Product as soon as the start date is reached.
Specials/Promotions Wizard
Price Levels
Select the Price Levels to which the Special/Promotion will apply
- Location Group - Select a open the Search Location Groups screen to select a Location Group (Venue) and ensure all the Price Levels assigned to that Location Group (Venue) are automatically selected.
- Location - Select a open the Search Locations screen to select a Location and ensure all the Price Levels assigned to the selected Location are automatically selected.
- Price Level - Select the individual Price Levels to which the Special/Promotion is to apply.
- Select all Default Price Levels - Select to check all Price Levels.
- Deselect All - Select to uncheck all Price Levels.
- Reset Defaults - Select to reset to default settings
- Back - Select to return to the previous step.
- Next - Select to proceed to the next step.
- Finish - Select to run the wizard.
- Cancel - Select to exit the wizard without running it.
Source Price
Select the price (Price Level , Cost or Base) on which the new price is to be calculated.
- From Price Level - Select to open the Search Price Levels screen to select the Price Level based on which the new price will be calculated. For example: To set a Staff Price of 30% less than the normal retail price. To accomplish this select the Price Level that reflects the normal retail price. The 30% calculation is done later in the wizard.
- From Cost Price - Select to open the Search Locations screen to select the Location from which the Cost Price is to be retrieved and used as the basis for the new price calculation. This feature is particularly useful for setting up new Products that have just been purchased from Suppliers. Once a profit margin has been decided on, The prices can easily be updated.
- Add Tax - Select to add Tax prior to any calculations being done.
- From Base Price Level - Select to ensure that the new price calculation is based on the Price Level prices themselves.
Select the Products to which the new price calculation is to be applied to.
- From Group/To Group - Select to open the Search Product Groups screen to return the Products in the From/To Product Group range selected.
- Family - Select to open the Search Families screen to return the Products in the From/To Family range selected.
- Product Range - Select to open the Search Product Range screen to return the Products in the Product Range selected.
- Barcode - Enter/Scan a Barcode or select the button to open the Search Barcode screen to return the Products having the selected Barcode.
- Include Inactive Products - Select to ensure inactive Products are returned. Note : Inactive Products here only refer to Products that are inactive in all Locations, but are still flagged as Active.
Formulas & Rounding
Select the formula and rounding required to determine the new price.
- Expression - Select from the drop down list one of the following mathematical expressions required to calculate the new price:
- Formula Value - Enter the value to be used in conjunction with the expression selected above. For example: a value of 0.9 used with the 'Multiply by Value' expression will result in a 10% reduction in cost price.
- Update costs that are currently $0.00 - Select to ensure cost prices currently set at $0.00 will be updated as well. This is only applied when the expressions Add, Subtract or Equals are selected. Note : Modifiers, cooking instructions and condiments may all have $0.00 cost prices and may need to remain at that price, so be sure to review the Products displayed in the grid before committing the Cost Price Change.
- Rounding - Select one of the following :
Importing ILG MultiBuy (Mix n Match) Promotions
Note : The Import of ILG Promotions now includes Mix n Match promotions. These will be created automatically on import.
- To Import Mix n Match (ILG MultiBuy) Promotions
- Select the Import button and select the ILG option.
- Select the PROMOTIONS.XML file to import.
- Select 1. Product Code at the Match Products prompt.
- Any unmatched Products will be reported via the Promotion Import Report screen. Select Close to continue.
- At the Special Import Selection prompt, select the Mix n Match Promotion to be imported from the drop down list. Select Ok to continue.
- At the Please Select Price Level prompt, select the Price Level to be imported from the drop down list. Select Ok to continue.
- A prompt confirming the Import of the Mix n Match (ILG MultiBuy) was successful will be displayed. Select Ok to continue.
- The Products imported will be displayed in the grid.
- Select Save. The Promotion will be saved and the grid cleared.
- To import Multiple Price Levels for the same Promotion, do as follows:
- Repeat steps 1 to 4 above.
- At the Special Import Selection prompt, select the same Mix n Match Promotion as selected above. Select Ok to continue.
- At the Please Select Price Level prompt, select a different Price Level to the one selected above. Select Ok to continue.
- A prompt confirming the Update of the Mix n Match (ILG MultiBuy) was successful will be displayed. Select Ok to continue.
- Select Save. The Promotion will be saved and the grid cleared.
- Open the Mix and Match screen and edit the Promotion imported above.
- In the Price Levels field, the multiple Price Levels imported (as per above) will be displayed, for example:
Copying Specials/Promotions
It is currently possible to use SwiftPOS to copy Specials/Promotions in 3 different ways. Depending on how your Specials/Promotions are setup will determine which is the best way to copy a Special/Promotion. This feature can be very powerful as it allows you to quickly copy entire Specials/Promotions and change the prices with a click of a button. Please see the information below for more details regarding each option that can be used when copying Specials/Promotions.
- Copy and Offset Price Level
This option allows a Special/Promotion containing multiple Price Levels to be copied and have all of those Price Levels offset by a specified number in either direction. If your Specials/Promotions contain multiple Price Levels then this is by far the most efficient method of copying Specials/Promotions. A good example of how this option might be used is if you had created a Special/Promotion for a specific Location which has Price Levels 1 - 3 assigned. If you wanted to create the same Special/Promotion for another Location which had Price Levels 4 - 6 assigned you would simply offset the Price Levels in the new Special/Promotion by 3. |
- Copy and Set Price Level
The Copy and Set Price Level option allows you to select a Special/Promotion to copy then select a new price level for all items in the new Special/Promotion. Please note that this option should only be used if your Specials/Promotions are setup to contain a single price level of items. If you do have Specials/Promotions setup this way then this option will be the most useful for you. |
- Copy Promotion
This option is the simplest of all 3 copying options and allows you to select a Special/Promotion to copy which it will then make a duplicate of. As with all of the copying options the default name will be (Copy of "Original Promo Name"). Everything else about the Special/Promotion will be a complete duplicate of the original Special/Promotion. |
Formats for Importing Specials/Promotions
It is possible to import Product Specials/Promotions from a file using either the standard or HLW file structures. Within each of these Special/Promotion files there may be multiple Specials/Promotions with each assigned a unique Special/Promotion code. When the Special/Promotion file is imported you are prompted to choose the Special/Promotion to import from the file, followed by a price level selection screen which applies the selected price level to all items in the Special/Promotion. If the Special/Promotion contains Products that do not exist in your database they will be imported into the Specials/Promotions screen where they can easily be identified and deleted if they do not need to be matched to existing Products in your database.
Standard Promotion Format:
Field Name |
Field Type |
Length and Format |
Field Description |
PromoCode |
Numeric |
Long |
Promotion Number |
Description |
Text |
30 characters |
Promotion Description |
ProductCode |
Text |
13 characters |
SwiftPOS Product Code |
ProductDescription |
Text |
60 characters |
SwiftPOS Product Description |
BuyStartDate |
ISO8601 |
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss:mmm(no spaces) |
Buying start date |
BuyEndDate |
ISO8601 |
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss:mmm(no spaces) |
Buying end date |
SpecialStartDate |
ISO8601 |
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss:mmm(no spaces) |
Selling start date |
SpecialEndDate |
ISO8601 |
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss:mmm(no spaces) |
Selling end date |
CaseCostEx |
Currency |
Double |
Case Cost Ex Tax |
CaseCostInc |
Currency |
Double |
Case Cost Inc Tax |
SpecialSellPrice |
Currency |
Double |
Promotional Selling Price |
SpecialSellingCategory |
Currency |
Double |
Promotional Category (added Jan 2006) |
PromotionalRebate |
Currency |
Double |
Promotional Rebate (added Jan 2006) |
PromotionBonusPoints |
Currency |
Double |
Promotional Bonus Points (added Jan 2006) |
PromotionGroup |
Numeric |
Integer |
Promotion Group |
ProductBarcode |
Text |
14 characters |
Product Barcode |
RebateType |
Numeric |
1 (either a 0 or 1 value) |
0 = Dollar; 1 = Percentage |
Above is the format you see when you have the .TXT format.
Below is the format you see with the .CSV format.
TMPB_PROMOTION.txt is a comma separated values (CSV) file and is saved with a (TXT) extension.
5, Nth QLD, 0001, BEN/HEDGES (25S), , , 2015-07-01T00:00:00:000, 2015-07-17T00:00:00:000, 0, 0, 4.0000, 1, -0.05, 0, 25,12345678901234
HLW Promotion Format:
Field Name |
Field Type |
Length and Format |
Example |
WarehousePromoCode |
Text (20) |
20 characters |
B095C1 |
WarehousePromoDescription |
Text (30) |
30 characters |
ProductNumber |
Text (13) |
13 characters |
123456 |
ProductDiscription |
Text (40) |
40 characters |
Product Description |
SpecialBuyStartDate |
Date/Time |
dd/mm/yyyy |
02/05/2015 |
SpecialBuyEndDate |
Date/Time |
dd/mm/yyyy |
13/05/2015 |
SpecialStartDate |
Date/Time |
dd/mm/yyyy |
08/05/2015 |
SpecialEndDate |
Date/Time |
dd/mm/yyyy |
14/05/2015 |
CaseCostExTax |
Numeric |
Currency in Cents |
2599 |
CaseCostIncTax |
Numeric |
Currency in Cents |
2858 |
PromoPrice |
Numeric |
Currency in Cents |
3600 |
The HLW Special/Promotion file is a comma separated values (CSV) file and is saved with a (TXT) extension. Please note that OnTap expects that all Products listed in their Special/Promotion file will be present in your database. The file naming structure is as follows:
1pwwssss.txt (131P261562.txt)
1 = SiteID (Text, 6 characters)
p = Product and Promotions file (Text, 1 character)
w = Week Number (Text, 2 characters)
s = Incrementing Sequence Number (Text, 4 characters)
ALM Import
There is now an option in the Specials/Promotions screen to import an ALM .dat file. This will create a standard import file then import the Special/Promotion. It references the Global Preferences setting for Host File support. This means when running in eTrade v1 the import process validates the Product being imported against the existing Product Code. When Host File support is selected (eTrade v2) the Product being imported is validated against the HostID set against the Product.
You also need to put a Promotion Group Number in the Location Group Edit screen for Promotional import. This number is giving to you by ALM and is based on your State Location.
If Host File Support is use for the original import then, it must be retained through out.
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions |
Answers |
How are the Special/Promotion Prices managed? |
The normal price is never changed but the Special/Promotional price is sent to the SwiftPOS Touch terminal only when the Special/Promotion is active. |
Where can I change the promo price of a Product while the Special/Promotion is active? |
You can change the Price in the Product Edit Screen or in the screen above. |
What happens if I cancel the Special/Promotion while the it is active? |
If you cancel or disable the Special/Promotion after it has started, then the Product prices will be reset to the normal selling price once a Full Update is sent to the SwiftPOS Touch Terminals. |
What happens when the Special/Promotion Ends? |
The Product prices will be reset to the normal selling price. |
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